99 research outputs found

    The Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report 2018-2019

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    An inclusive, digitally-enabled agricultural transformation could help achieve meaningful livelihood improvements for Africa’s smallholder farmers and pastoralists. It could drive greater engagement in agriculture from women and youth and create employment opportunities along the value chain. At CTA we staked a claim on this power of digitalisation to more systematically transform agriculture early on. Digitalisation, focusing on not individual ICTs but the application of these technologies to entire value chains, is a theme that cuts across all of our work. In youth entrepreneurship, we are fostering a new breed of young ICT ‘agripreneurs’. In climate-smart agriculture multiple projects provide information that can help towards building resilience for smallholder farmers. And in women empowerment we are supporting digital platforms to drive greater inclusion for women entrepreneurs in agricultural value chains

    Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the Human ErbB4 Gene: Identification of Novel Splice Isoforms in the Developing and Adult Brain

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    ErbB4 is a growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase essential for neurodevelopment. Genetic variation in ErbB4 is associated with schizophrenia and risk-associated polymorphisms predict overexpression of ErbB4 CYT-1 isoforms in the brain in the disorder. The molecular mechanism of association is unclear because the polymorphisms flank exon 3 of the gene and reside 700 kb distal to the CYT-1 defining exon. We hypothesized that the polymorphisms are indirectly associated with ErbB4 CYT-1 via splicing of exon 3 on the CYT-1 background. We report via cloning and sequencing of adult and fetal human brain cDNA libraries the identification of novel splice isoforms of ErbB4, whereby exon 3 is skipped (del.3). ErbB4 del.3 transcripts exist as CYT-2 isoforms and are predicted to produce truncated proteins. Furthermore, our data refine the structure of the human ErbB4 gene, clarify that juxtamembrane (JM) splice variants of ErbB4, JM-a and JM-b respectively, are characterized by the replacement of a 75 nucleotide (nt) sequence with a 45-nt insertion, and demonstrate that there are four alternative exons in the gene. Our analyses reveal that novel splice variants of ErbB4 exist in the developing and adult human brain and, given the failure to identify ErbB4 del.3 CYT-1 transcripts, suggest that the association of risk polymorphisms in the ErbB4 gene with CYT-1 transcript levels is not mediated via an exon 3 splicing event

    The digitalisation of African agriculture report 2018-2019: Executive summary

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    Agricultural transformation is a priority in the policy agenda of African governments in their quest to meet the challenges of food and nutrition insecurity, climate change, youth unemployment and overall economic growth. With the right policies, innovation and investment, the continent’s agriculture could be transformed into a powerhouse not only to feed a growing population but to create decent employment for millions of young people

    Rapport sur la numérisation de l'agriculture africaine 2018-2019 - Résumé

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    La transformation agricole est une prioritĂ© dans l’agenda politique des gouvernements africains voulant relever les dĂ©fis de l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire et nutritionnelle, du changement climatique, du chĂŽmage des jeunes et de la croissance Ă©conomique. Avec des politiques, des innovations et des investissements bien choisis, l’agriculture africaine pourrait non seulement nourrir une population croissante, mais aussi offrir un travail dĂ©cent Ă  des millions de jeunes

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    The effects of inclination on a two stage pulse tube cryocooler for use with a ground based observatory

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    Abstract Ground-based observatories across a wide range of wavelengths implement cryogenic cooling techniques to increase the sensitivity of instruments and enable low temperature detector technologies. Commercial pulse tube cryocoolers (PTCs) are frequently used to provide 40 K and 4 K stages as thermal shells in scientific instruments. However, PTC operation is dependent on gravity, giving rise to changes in cooling capacity over the operational tilt range of pointed telescopes. We present a study of the performance of a two stage PTC with a cooling capacity of 1.8 W at 4.2 K and 50 W at 45 K (Cryomech PT420-RM) from 0 - 55 ° away from vertical to probe capacity as a function of angle over a set of realistic thermal loading conditions. Our study provides a method to extract temperature estimates given predicted thermal loading conditions across the angular range sampled. We then discuss the design implications for current and future tilted cryogenic systems

    SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody and neutralization assays reveal the wide range of the humoral immune response to virus.

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    Development of antibody protection during SARS-CoV-2 infection is a pressing question for public health and for vaccine development. We developed highly sensitive SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody and neutralization assays. SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein or Nucleocapsid protein specific IgG antibodies at titers more than 1:100,000 were detectable in all PCR+ subjects (n = 115) and were absent in the negative controls. Other isotype antibodies (IgA, IgG1-4) were also detected. SARS-CoV-2 neutralization was determined in COVID-19 and convalescent plasma at up to 10,000-fold dilution, using Spike protein pseudotyped lentiviruses, which were also blocked by neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). Hospitalized patients had up to 3000-fold higher antibody and neutralization titers compared to outpatients or convalescent plasma donors. Interestingly, some COVID-19 patients also possessed NAbs against SARS-CoV Spike protein pseudovirus. Together these results demonstrate the high specificity and sensitivity of our assays, which may impact understanding the quality or duration of the antibody response during COVID-19 and in determining the effectiveness of potential vaccines

    The cellular and synaptic architecture of the mechanosensory dorsal horn

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    The deep dorsal horn is a poorly characterized spinal cord region implicated in processing low-threshold mechanoreceptor (LTMR) information. We report an array of mouse genetic tools for defining neuronal components and functions of the dorsal horn LTMR-recipient zone (LTMR-RZ), a role for LTMR-RZ processing in tactile perception, and the basic logic of LTMR-RZ organization. We found an unexpectedly high degree of neuronal diversity in the LTMR-RZ: seven excitatory and four inhibitory subtypes of interneurons exhibiting unique morphological, physiological, and synaptic properties. Remarkably, LTMRs form synapses on between four and 11 LTMR-RZ interneuron subtypes, while each LTMR-RZ interneuron subtype samples inputs from at least one to three LTMR classes, as well as spinal cord interneurons and corticospinal neurons. Thus, the LTMR-RZ is a somatosensory processing region endowed with a neuronal complexity that rivals the retina and functions to pattern the activity of ascending touch pathways that underlie tactile perception
